The Qur’an on trial written by Tom Wallace, Jr.
Bible Facts about Heaven written by Dr. John R. Rice
Yes, the Bible Speaks written by Dr. Shelton Smith
Bible Lessons on the Book of Revelation written by Dr. John R. Rice
How to study the Bible written by Dr. R.A. Torrey
The Teenage Years of Jesus Christ written by Jerry L. Ross
The Warrior Prince written by Jerry L. Ross
Stay in the Castle written by Jerry L. Ross
The Prodigals written by Jerry L. Ross
The Chosen One written by Jerry L. Ross
I Can’t Wait till Sunday Morning written by Ed Dunlop
A Teenager’s Guide to Healthy Relationships written by Jerry L. Ross
Prayer – Asking & Receiving written by Dr. John R. Rice
Church Growth through the Bus Ministry written by Dr. Jeff Fugate
Preaching to America written by Dr. Lee Roberson
Vest Pocket Companion for Christian Workers written by Dr. R.A. Torrey
The Pilgrim’s Progress written by John Bunyan
How to make a grand success of the Christian life written by Dr. John R. Rice
Church Growth Principles & Practices written by Dr. Jeff Fugate
Preaching Standards: Right or Wrong? written by Dr. Mike Allison
The Soul Winner’s Fire written by Dr. John R. Rice
Let’s Go Soul Winning written by Dr. Jack Hyles
The Golden Path to successful personal Soul Winning written by Dr. John R. Rice
Essentials of Evangelism written by Dr. Tom Malone
Mountain Moving Faith written by Dr. Joe Arthur
The Tongues Tangle written by Dr. Shelton Smith
Predestined for Hell? written by Dr. John R. Rice
Islam: A Raging Storm written by Dr. Shelton Smith
I wish every day was Sunday written by Ed Dunlop
A Teenager’s Guide to the Invisible Creation written by Jerry L. Ross
A Teenager’s Guide to Character, Success, & Happiness written by Jerry L. Ross
Seven Royal Laws of Courtship written by Jerry L. Ross
The 21 Tenets of Biblical Femininity written by Jerry L. Ross
The Twenty-One Tenets of Biblical Masculinity written by Jerry L. Ross
R.A. Torrey: Apostle of Certainty written by Dr. Roger Martin
How to obtain fullness of power written by Dr. R.A. Torrey
The Power of Pentecost written by Dr. John R. Rice
The Compromise Catastrophe written by Dr. John R. Rice
The Battle over Baptism written by Dr. Shelton Smith
Defending the King James Bible written by D.A. Waite